Construction of collector for water level regulation in Mahammadi district.Construction of collector for water level regulation in Mahammadi district.
Construction of water reservoir and distribution network in MingachevirConstruction of water reservoir and distribution network in Mingachevir
Reconstruction of Turkan settlement water supply system in Khazar districtReconstruction of Turkan settlement water supply system in Khazar district
Improvement of water supply in Tartar and Kurdamir regionsImprovement of water supply in Tartar and Kurdamir regions
Intra-community water networks in Hovsan settlement.Intra-community water networks in Hovsan settlement.
Jeyranbatan +190 Absheron-Balakhanı-Ramana-Zira-Pirallahı main water pipeline and central reservoirsJeyranbatan +190 Absheron-Balakhanı-Ramana-Zira-Pirallahı main water pipeline and central reservoirs
Reconstruction of water and sewerage systems of Absheron peninsulaReconstruction of water and sewerage systems of Absheron peninsula